Wind Turbine Blade Recycling
Windtranz dismantles, transports & recycles EoL ( End of Life) Wind Turbine blades through the Cement Kiln process & the Energy from Waste processThe Process
A Greener Solution

Prior to Windtranz developing this thermal recycling route for EoL (End of Life) WT Blades in IRL & UK, the only option available to the wind industry was Landfill.

Using an excavator mounted saw for initial size reduction of the WT Blade, the blade pieces are taken to the waste facility site where they are subjected to a two stage shredding process.
The EoL (End of Life) WT Blades are reduced to 30 pieces & other recycled waste may be added to achieve a defined calorific value above that of the shredded pieces.
The conditioned waste is then sent to a Cement Kiln or Energy from Waste plant where it is used to provide process heat in both recycling methods and additionally glass fibre content substituting sand in the Cement Kiln process. (A WT Blade has about the same calorific value as damp wood)
A certificate of recovery / recycling will be issued to the customer.
Recycling 1,000t of WT Blade waste in cement production saves up to 450t of coal, 200t of chalk, 200t of sand and 150t of aluminium oxide.
A Landfill ban will become effective in 2025
EU Waste Framework Directive 2008/98/EC & 2011. Wind Turbine Industry commits to recycle, reuse or reclaim all decommissioned blades.
Europe will decommission 25,000 ton of blades a year by 2025 & 52,000 ton a year by 2030.